Eve Rookies 1v1 Frig Tournament Signup
To celebrate 4 years of Eve Rookies, on March 29th we will be holding a 1v1 Frigate Tournament! If you're interested in competing, book off the date in your calendar and sign up below! 

Prizes for the 1v1 Tournament

  • 1st place: 4 billion isk
  • 2nd place: 2 billion isk
  • 3rd place: 1 billion isk
We are still working on the detail such as fits and time for the tournament. Please keep an eye out for an Eve mail as well as on the Eve Rookies Discord for more information.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Main character name. *
If using an alt, name of the alt character. If using your main, type "N/A". *
Discord name *
1st Preferred Time Zone *
2nd Preferred Time Zone *
How did you hear about the  Tournament?
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You agree to a ship scan before the match to make certain your fit is tournament legal. *
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