Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Eve Rookies Guristas Insurgency

Last Updated on 2025-02-13 by Heathspliff

Insurgencies are temporary PVP warzones in lowsec space where capsuleers aligned with Guristas Pirates and the Angel Cartel fight empire forces in an effort to decimate law and order. We are currently fighting on the side of Guristas with other militias being considered for some point in the future.

Completing sites and killing enemy pilots reward Loyalty Points which can then be liquidated into cold, hard isk. Gurista LP is some of the most sought after in New Eden, making this one of the most lucrative PVP activities in the game. Optionally, we offer LP buyback for instant profits without even having to leave your home station. 

We are based out of the pirate haven Zarzakh which is always 1 jump away from the frontlines via the shipcaster. Our preferred ships are the Gurista Worm and Mamba however there is no strict doctrine and you are encouraged to fly whatever you want, keeping in mind that cruiser and above sized ships can’t access some sites and, of course, you shouldn’t fly what you can’t afford to loose.

Enlisting in Guristas Pirates means you will be attacked by empire NPCs in much of highsec, can be attacked anywhere by enemy militia without reprisal, and it will be difficult or impossible to engage in some activities. Enlisted characters are strictly prohibited from joining Eve Rookies Incursion fleets.

For this reason, we recommend creating a new character for this who is based out of Zarzakh, further details are below.

If you’re a newer player looking for a full guide to joining our fleets, or a more experienced player who just wants to get involved without the guesswork, then click here to see our starter guide.

If you’re a more experienced player who is happy to go their own way, skip straight to our fleet guide here.

Also, if you haven’t already, make sure you join our Discord for fleet pings, many other activities under the Eve Rookies banner and discussion:

To join our fleets your character must be enlisted with Guristas. There is a minimum -2.0 (note that’s minus 2) standing requirement to enlist, meaning if you have fought Gurista forces when ratting or missioning your standings might not be high enough. For clarity, your standings must be higher than this number. -1.0 and +1.0 are higher than -2.0. -3.0 is lower than -2.0. If you’re enlisted in another militia, you’ll need to retire 48 hours before enlisting.

For plexing fleets, we have an Upgrade Policy (detailed below) which dictates the size and tier of ship that will be accepted, however the exact choice of ship and fitting is left up to your discretion. We recommend using one of our doctrine ships. Otherwise, we recommend fitting a shield buffer tank with a full T2 weapons set and a tank with at least some T2 modules. More fitting recommendations are in the Fleet Guide.

Other fleets may have a different policy depending on the fleet and FC.

Once enlisted, you will be wardecced by both Caldari and Gallente meaning pilots enlisted with them can attack you at any time, even in highsec. You will be ineligible to join many public fleets, including Eve Rookes Incursion fleets. This is why we suggest creating a new character for this activity, even if you don’t follow our guide.

Completing sites pays out Commando Guri Loyalty Points (LP). This LP can be exchanged in Zarzakh for Gurista BPCs and modules, implants, skill books and so on, which can then be taken to a market hub to be sold on for isk. If that sounds like too much hassle we provide buyback where you essentially sell us your LP directly from our dock up in Zarzakh, see the Fleet Guide for more details.

You will also receive a small isk bonus if Guristas win the insurgency. There may be opportunities for typical pirate thievery as well.

No, but we highly recommend joining Eve Rookies Rabbit Rebellion – a dedicated corp just for the Eve Rookies Guristas Insurgency. Since we are already enlisted with Guristas Pirates you will not need to make the trip out to nullsec to enlist, it will happen automatically as soon as you join the corp. You will have easy in-game access to corp skill plans and fits and be able to work towards corp projects.

We are happy to accept pilots in any corp as long as they’re enlisted with Guristas, either directly or via their corp.

If you’re used to more aggressive small gang or perhaps even large-scale nullsec engagements, be aware that this gameplay style is very different. At least at first, we will be focusing on more defensive, lower risk fleets with an emphasis on maximizing profits and minimizing losses. As with any kind of faction warfare gameplay, it can alternate between long periods of quiet (like when capturing a complex) and sudden frantic action (like when a hostile fleet turns up to take that complex from you). It’s possible you may go all fleet without making or taking any kills, but if that happens it probably meant you made a lot of isk in the process.

Starter Guide

This guide is intended for a pilot who is relatively new to Eve and assumes you will be creating a new Account and character, more experienced pilots may want to skip over some parts of this.

  1. Follow this link to create a new Account: (Remember – you can use the same email address you used for your main Account, you just need to make up a unique Username)
  2. Open the Eve launcher select Add Account to log in with your new Account (this may happen automatically, in which case the Account will appear already). Launch the client.
  3. Create any kind of new character you like then enter the game (feel free to skip the tutorial).
  4. Once you spawn into a starter Air station, queue up the Drones II through to V skills, we will import the full skill plan later but this will keep your skill queue moving for now.
  5. You will need up to 1 million isk to purchase a shuttle and the gate fee into Zarzakh. Transfer this from another character, or ask in the Discord if this isn’t possible.
  6. Purchase any shuttle using the Regional Market. You may need to go to a market hub for this, but generally they are available cheaply all over Highsec.
  7. Search for The Fulcrum in the global search bar and set your destination to Zarzakh – Deathless Custodians – The Fulcrum. In a shuttle, you will be safe from bubbles and most gate camps, however you’re still vulnerable to smartbombs which are thankfully rarer on these routes. Using the ‘safer’ route may reduce the risk somewhat but you will still need to travel through some lowsec systems. 
  8. Undock and set off to Zarzakh. In lowsec, bouncing off celestials rather than going gate to gate improves your chances of avoiding smartbombs. You should be OK but if you get really unlucky you will respawn in your starter station again. Go back to Step 5 and take a different route. 
  9. Dock up in The Fulcrum (looks cool right?).
  10. Set The Fulcrum as your home station by opening the Character sheet, selecting the Home Station tab, selecting Set Home Station and then selecting Set Home Station again next to Current Station: The Fulcrum . You will spawn back here if you get podded (or self-destruct).
  11. Search for the Eve Rookies Rabbit Rebellion corporation, open it then select Apply to Join. Once your application is approved, you will be automatically enlisted with Guristas, welcome to gang Junkosei.
  12. Make sure you’ve joined the Eve Rookies Discord and the ‘Eve Rookies Public’ in-game channel, since this is where you will get fleet pings and x-up for fleets.
  13. You’ll need to inject the Skill Books required to do the first Skill Plan. On the Discord, ask on #general-fw-chat for a Starter Pack, along with your in-game name, and someone will contract one to you for 0 isk. (Note: This is intended for newbros who don’t the isk to invest right now, experienced players can inject all these skills remotely from the Skill window)
  14. Once you received the Starter Pack, inject the skill books. If you don’t need any of the skill books, please contact them back to the corp or trade them back to an FC.
  15. Go to your redeem queue where you should see 1 million skill points. Redeem this now. If you don’t see the 1 million skill points you may have not used the referral link in Step 1 – don’t worry just click on this link now and log in as this Account and the skill points will be added to your queue retroactively.
  16. In the Skills window, go to Skill Plans then Corporation Plans then select the Basic (Day 1) Worm plan and select Start Training to move it to your queue.
  17. Select the + icon (Apply Skill Points) at the bottom of the skill queue then Confirm to train up everything in the skill plan instantly. You may have a few thousand skill points left over. 
  18. Using the same method as before, queue up the Basic (Day 2+) Worm skill plan. You will continue to train these skills.
  19. Wait for the next fleet. Most fleets will be preplanned and you’ll have plenty of notice. 
  20. At the start of the fleet the FC will provide handouts. Fitted Worms are currently available for purchase at a reduced rate. If you’re a new player who can’t afford the ship right now, please ask the FC (in a private message if you would prefer) for a free Worm for newbros and you should be provided with one.
  21. Enter your Worm and let the FC know you’re ready to go!

Upgrade Policy

*This will be enforced from 1st April 2025, for now please take this time to train any skills you may require*

For plexing fleets, unless stated otherwise an Upgrade Policy applies. The part of the Upgrade Policy that applies to you will depend on if your character was created less than 90 days ago. Even if you did something else with your character before this, we only use the date it was created. Also, only the created date of your FIRST character to join an Eve Rookies Guristas is considered, creating a new character does not reset this.

The Upgrade Policy currently only covers the size and tier of hull. The exact ship and fitting is up to you – however we still recommend using our doctrine.


Before 90 DaysAfter 90 Days
Pirate* or T2 FrigateNone – DPS frigates no longer accepted
T1, Navy or Pirate* DestroyerPirate* Destroyer

*Pirate also includes Triglavian, Sisters of Eve and Deathless


T1 and Navy ships are accepted at any time with a couple of caveats:

  • Maximum of 2 Logi, 2 EWAR and 2 Booster ships per fleet
  • T2 role ships will be preferred over T1

Therefore, role pilots should be prepared to fly a DPS aligned with the Upgrade Policy to guarantee a place on fleets.

Note: The purpose of this policy is to ensure that everyone in fleet is contributing according to their skills and potential earnings. Also, to survive in the Insurgency higher tier ships are required to compete since all ship tiers (depending on their size) can access all sites.

Fleet Guide

Starting now, on plexing fleets pilots are asked to not engage outside pilots in Local or any other forms of communication.

Our success relies on us going under the radar and our enemies not having intel on us (and, ideally, us having intel on them). Speaking in Local compromises this. As well as that, it has resulted in arguments and aggravation which could come back to bite us, even from our own side since the penalties for Awoxing are so small.

Even if someone tries to bait a conversation, always ignore them. Nothing good comes from engaging in this situation.

GFs (Good Fight) are OK. For anything else, ask the FC who will pass on any communications if absolutely necessary.

For the best experience, check all of these at least 15 minutes before the fleet is due to start. Note that if this is your first time flying with us, or you will be requesting a replacement ship, you wont have your equipment at this point – but make sure you let the FC know when the fleet does start.

  • Do you have the skills to operate your chosen ship and its fittings? The easiest way to check is to simulate the fit and check for any yellow skill book warnings.
  • Are you enlisted with Guristas Pirates, either directly or via your corp?
  • Do you have suitable ammo for your guns, including different types if appropriate (short range, long range, T2, faction etc.)?
  • Is your drone bay full? (If you have one)
  • Do you have charges required for modules that need them (scripts, cap boosters, nanite repair paste)?
  • Do you have some nanite repair paste for repairing modules (if trained into Thermodynamics)?
  • Do you have default Orbit and/or Keep at Range distances set? (These should keep opponents within range of your weapons and tackle module(s), plus ~2km for comfort)
  • Is the Gurista Insurgency still live? If not, the fleet has likely been delayed or cancelled.

  • At the start of the fleet, wait for the FC instruction to undock then stop your ship so you don’t float out of range of the security guns. Don’t warp to the shipcaster until fleet warped or told to do so since its possible for you to be blown up there. When you do warp to the shipcaster, take the jump as soon as you land out of warp.
  • When you land on grid with the FOB you will be in tether and safe, however the FOB system is often heavily bubbled so make sure you listen carefully to your FCs instructions. Once the FC has verified a safe path can be found to a target ‘plexing system, they will guide you there, so make sure to take any fleet warps as well as align and jump when told to do so.
  • Never warp to a plex at 0km at since this makes you very vulnerable to campers. If you’re not fleet warped by the FC, warp in at 70km, this acceleration gates are very big so you will still be within range of the gate even at this distance.
  • Do not take the acceleration gate unless either the FC tells you to or if you need to escape hostiles on the gate. If the FC believes there are hostile ships inside the plex you will be instructed to first align down the gate, you do this by pressing Q then double clicking to draw a line parallel with, and in the same direction of, the gate. As soon as the gate is declared GREEN then take the warp. Efficiently landing on grid as a fleet is the difference between life and death.
  • After coming out of warp, deploy drones if you have them, activate your afterburner (or MWD only if appropriate for the situation), lock up any hostiles and cycle your weapons, tackle module(s) and drones on hostile ships. Your FC may tell you to prioritize a particular target, if so follow their instructions. As well as hostile pilots, you will need to destroy the enemy (red) NPCs for the time to start.
  • Once the site is clear, Orbit or Keep at Range the warp-in beacon, ensuring the beacon is within the range of your weapons and tackle module(s). Generally, drones should be kept deployed and ready to be used.
  • Keep an eye on Local, do short range (0.1AU) and long range (14AU) scans and report any possible hostiles on comms. Remember that hostiles also including known ‘friendly’ AWOXing corps.
  • Eventually the NPCs will respawn. Make sure you kill them, since the timer will pause whilst they’re still present.
  • When the timer reaches zero you will receive an LP payout. Withdraw your drones and prepared to be fleet warped. Follow your FCs instructions, you may be asked to align to a target or simply fleet warped to the next site or system.
  • At the end of the fleet, we will return to Zarzakh via the normal gate network. Make sure you listen carefully to the FC since these routes are often camped and report any potential dangers the group may not be aware of on comms.

If you do not wish to fly doctrine ships, consider this information to help you decide on your ship and fit. Your ship does NOT need to meet any of the specifications listed here, this is just to help you bring a fit which will synergise better with the fleet.

Our primary ship manufacturer is Guristas. Our secondary ship manufacturer is Caldari, since these are missile, shield tanked ships with a lot of skill crossover.

Our fitting preferences are as follows:

  • Size – Frigate / Destroyer (these ships can access all insurgency sites)
  • Tier –  Pirate or T2 (all tiers are allowed in insurgency sites)
  • Tank – Buffer shield
  • Primary Weapon – Rockets / Light Missiles
  • Secondary Weapon – Drones
  • Prop Mod – AB / MWD unless the FC states otherwise
  • Module Tier – Preferably T2, or meta due to fitting limitations. We do not generally fly with faction, abyssal or officer modules.


Follow these instructions to sell your LP to us. This shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes.

  1. Dock up in The Fulcrum
  2. Open the Loyalty Point Store and select Commando Guri
  3. Search for ‘Guristas NET Resonator’ then select Purchase next to the item
  4. Enter the desired number of items to purchase. They will cost 1000 LP and 1 million isk each, so if you want to sell 50,000 LP you will need to purchase 50.
  5. Select Purchase, confirm the amount is correct then select OK.
  6. Open your Item hangar then right click on the stack of Guristas NET Resonators and select Create Contract
  7. Select Item Exchange, Private then in Name enter ‘King Trumpet’, and in Search By select Exact Phrase. Select Next.
  8. In I will receive enter an amount which is equal to the number NET Resonators you are contracted, multiplied by 2 million. So if you purchased 50 NET Resonators, you should enter 100,000,000. This will result in a profit of 50 million isk.
  9. Select an Expiration period. To guarantee we will have enough time to accept your contract, set this to at least 1 Week. Select Next.
  10. Carefully check the contract details then select Finish.
  11. When we accept the contact the isk will be deposited into your wallet, no sales tax deducted!

Standard Doctrine

When referring to doctrine ships and skill plans, unless stated otherwise you can safely assume it relates to our standard plexing doctrine. We primarily use small Guristas ships, pirate-tier drone boats with a very nice drone damage role bonus (meaning most of their DPS is available even at low skills) with missiles as the secondary weapon system. Firstly, it completes the fantasy of flying on the Guristas Pirate side. Secondly, they are simply very good plexing ships, being able to effectively clear NPCs, project threat and hold their own in PVP. Zarzakh has manufacturing bonuses for producing Guristas ships, meaning our corp hangars can always be full of handouts ready to go.

Most pilots will start with the Worm frigate though we encourage all pilots to train up into the Mamba destroyer as soon as is practical, since this ship has a better tank, twice the missile DPS and more spare drones. Since there are no scout sized Guristas plexes, there isn’t much of a reason to fly a frigate when a destroyer is an option. The Doctrine fits and Skill Plans can be found further down this page, or otherwise are available in game.


[Worm, Basic Worm (Scram-Rocket)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Hobgoblin II x5

Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket x2000

[Worm, Basic Worm (LM-Point)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Hobgoblin II x5

Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x2000

[Worm, T2 Worm (Scram-Rocket)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Small Shield Extender II

Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Hobgoblin II x5

Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000

[Worm, T2 Worm (LM-Point)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Overdrive Injector System II

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Hobgoblin II x5

Inferno Fury Light Missile x2000
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x2000


[Mamba, T2 Mamba (Rocket-Scram)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Hobgoblin II x5

Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000


[Mamba, T2 Mamba (LM-Point)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Overdrive Injector System II

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Small Shield Extender II

Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Hobgoblin II x5

Inferno Fury Light Missile x2000
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x2000


[Mamba, Advanced Mamba (Rocket-Scram)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Acolyte II x2
Hobgoblin II x4
Hornet II x2
Warrior II x2

Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000


[Mamba, Advanced Mamba (LM-Point)]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Overdrive Injector System II

5MN Microwarpdrive II
Warp Disruptor II
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Small Shield Extender II

Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Acolyte II x2
Hobgoblin II x4
Hornet II x2
Warrior II x2

Inferno Fury Light Missile x2000
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x2000

[Mamba, Elite Mamba (Rocket-Scram)]
Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier
Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender

Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer

Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II


Acolyte II x2
Hobgoblin II x4
Hornet II x2
Warrior II x2

Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000


[Mamba, Elite Mamba (LM-Point)]
Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier
Overdrive Injector System II

5MN Microwarpdrive II
Warp Disruptor II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Caldari Navy Small Shield Extender

Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II


Acolyte II x2
Hobgoblin II x4
Hornet II x2
Warrior II x2

Inferno Fury Light Missile x2000
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x2000


Note: T1 ships are out of the meta for Insurgencies and you will likely find yourself outgunned, however we provide this fit as a cheaper alternative. This skills required naturally lend themselves towards upgrading to a Worm or Mamba later on. This fit isn’t stocked at Zarzakh and you will need to arrange for it to be transported to The Fulcrum.

[Corax, Budget Corax]
Ballistic Control System II
Inertial Stabilizers II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
Small Shield Extender II
Small Shield Extender II

Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000
Scourge Rage Rocket x2000



[Bantam, Logi Bantam]
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Small Cap Battery II
Small Cap Battery II
Cap Recharger II
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II

Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I


Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x1

[Kirin, Logi Kirin]
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
1MN Afterburner II

Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II

Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I


Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x1

[Stork, Booster Stork]
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Ballistic Control System II

Warp Scrambler II
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Micro Jump Field Generator
5MN Microwarpdrive II
Small Shield Extender II
Small Shield Extender II

Shield Command Burst II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Shield Harmonizing Charge x1200
Shield Extension Charge x1200
Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Inferno Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000
Inferno Javelin Rocket x2000

[Griffin, ECM Griffin]
Signal Distortion Amplifier II
Capacitor Power Relay II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II
Small Shield Extender II

Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor II
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Hornet EC-300 x1

Ladar ECM II x1
Magnetometric ECM II x1
Gravimetric ECM II x1
Radar ECM II x1


[Heron Navy Issue, TD/GD Heron Navy Issue]
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Capacitor Power Relay II

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Tracking Disruptor II
Tracking Disruptor II
Tracking Disruptor II
Small Shield Extender II

Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Expanded Probe Launcher I

Small Tracking Diagnostic Subroutines II
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x2000
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x2000
Optimal Range Disruption Script x3
Tracking Speed Disruption Script x3
Combat Scanner Probe I x16
Guidance Disruptor II x2
Missile Range Disruption Script x2
Missile Precision Disruption Script x2


[Griffin Navy Issue, Dual ECM Griffin Navy Issue]
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Signal Distortion Amplifier II

Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
1MN Afterburner II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor II


Hornet EC-300 x7

[Kitsune, ECM Kitsune]
Signal Distortion Amplifier II
Signal Distortion Amplifier II

1MN Afterburner II
Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II

Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor II
Small Signal Disruption Amplifier I


Ladar ECM II x1
Magnetometric ECM II x1
Gravimetric ECM II x1
Radar ECM II x1


[Flycatcher, Interdiction Flycatcher]
IFFA Compact Damage Control

5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

Interdiction Sphere Launcher I
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Warp Disrupt Probe x50
Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000


[Crow, Scout Crow]
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II

5MN Microwarpdrive II
Warp Disruptor II
Small Shield Extender II
Small Shield Extender II

Compact Interdiction Nullifier
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II

Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints II
Small Core Defense Field Extender I


Scourge Rage Rocket x2000
Inferno Rage Rocket x2000
Scourge Javelin Rocket x2000
Inferno Javelin Rocket x2000


Skill Plans

Allows the pilot to fly a Worm at a competent level with less than 1 million skillpoints so these skills can be injected on the first day. T2 drones and T1 missiles.

Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
CPU Management 1
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Gallente Frigate 1
Gallente Frigate 2
Gallente Frigate 3
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Management 4
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drones 5
Light Drone Operation 1
Light Drone Operation 2
Light Drone Operation 3
Light Drone Operation 4
Light Drone Operation 5
Gallente Drone Specialization 1
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Drone Avionics 3
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Navigation 3
Drone Durability 1
Drone Durability 2
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rapid Launch 1
Rapid Launch 2
Rapid Launch 3
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2

This skill plan should be queued up directly after injecting the Day 1 skill plan. Allows the pilot to continue training without the skill books required for the T2 Worm skill plan.

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Gallente Frigate 1
Gallente Frigate 2
Gallente Frigate 3
Gallente Frigate 4
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drones 5
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Navigation 3
Drone Navigation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
High Speed Maneuvering 3
Rockets 5
Light Missiles 5
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Science 1
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3

The next step after the Basic Worm skill plan. Allows pilot to equip T2 rockets and missiles as well as improve a set of core competencies. Also creates a foundation for upgrading to the Mamba.

Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Thermodynamics 1
Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Gallente Frigate 1
Gallente Frigate 2
Gallente Frigate 3
Gallente Frigate 4
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drones 5
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Navigation 3
Drone Navigation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2
Warhead Upgrades 3
Guided Missile Precision 1
Guided Missile Precision 2
Guided Missile Precision 3
Target Navigation Prediction 1
Target Navigation Prediction 2
Target Navigation Prediction 3
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Missile Bombardment 4
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Operation 4
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
High Speed Maneuvering 3
Acceleration Control 1
Acceleration Control 2
Acceleration Control 3
Rockets 5
Light Missiles 5
Missile Launcher Operation 5
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 5
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Rocket Specialization 1
Rocket Specialization 2
Rocket Specialization 3
Light Missile Specialization 1
Light Missile Specialization 2
Light Missile Specialization 3

Allows the pilot to fly the Mamba, perhaps the fiercest ship which can access all Insurgency sites, as well improving core skills to do this hull justice. Unlocks T2 Mamba fits. Alpha compatible.

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Destroyer 1
Caldari Destroyer 2
Caldari Destroyer 3
Gallente Frigate 1
Gallente Frigate 2
Gallente Frigate 3
Gallente Destroyer 1
Gallente Destroyer 2
Gallente Destroyer 3
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 2
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Navigation 3
Acceleration Control 1
Acceleration Control 2
Acceleration Control 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
Navigation 4
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drones 5
Light Drone Operation 1
Light Drone Operation 2
Light Drone Operation 3
Light Drone Operation 4
Light Drone Operation 5
Gallente Drone Specialization 1
Gallente Drone Specialization 2
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Drone Avionics 3
Drone Durability 1
Drone Durability 2
Drone Durability 3
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Navigation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Light Missiles 5
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Rockets 5
Light Missile Specialization 1
Rocket Specialization 1
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Guided Missile Precision 1
Guided Missile Precision 2
Rapid Launch 1
Rapid Launch 2
Rapid Launch 3
Target Navigation Prediction 1
Target Navigation Prediction 2
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2

Allows the pilot to launch the full rainbow of T2 drones as well as train towards basic capacitor warfare and general improvements across all areas of Guristas ship operation. Unlocks all Advanced and Elite Mamba fits. Alpha compatible.

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Destroyer 1
Caldari Destroyer 2
Caldari Destroyer 3
Gallente Frigate 1
Gallente Frigate 2
Gallente Frigate 3
Gallente Destroyer 1
Gallente Destroyer 2
Gallente Destroyer 3
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 2
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Navigation 3
Acceleration Control 1
Acceleration Control 2
Acceleration Control 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
Navigation 4
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drones 5
Light Drone Operation 1
Light Drone Operation 2
Light Drone Operation 3
Light Drone Operation 4
Light Drone Operation 5
Gallente Drone Specialization 1
Gallente Drone Specialization 2
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Drone Avionics 3
Drone Durability 1
Drone Durability 2
Drone Durability 3
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Navigation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Light Missiles 5
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Rockets 5
Light Missile Specialization 1
Rocket Specialization 1
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Guided Missile Precision 1
Guided Missile Precision 2
Rapid Launch 1
Rapid Launch 2
Rapid Launch 3
Target Navigation Prediction 1
Target Navigation Prediction 2
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2
Caldari Destroyer 4
Gallente Destroyer 4
Weapon Upgrades 5
Thermodynamics 3
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Capacitor Emission Systems 2
Shield Operation 4
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
High Speed Maneuvering 3
Propulsion Jamming 3
Propulsion Jamming 4
Amarr Drone Specialization 1
Amarr Drone Specialization 2
Caldari Drone Specialization 1
Caldari Drone Specialization 2
Minmatar Drone Specialization 1
Minmatar Drone Specialization 2
Drone Avionics 4
Drone Navigation 4
Drone Sharpshooting 1
Drone Sharpshooting 2
Drone Sharpshooting 3
Guided Missile Precision 3
Missile Bombardment 4
Rapid Launch 4
Target Navigation Prediction 3
Warhead Upgrades 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Destroyer 1
Caldari Destroyer 2
Caldari Destroyer 3
Gallente Frigate 1
Gallente Frigate 2
Gallente Frigate 3
Gallente Destroyer 1
Gallente Destroyer 2
Gallente Destroyer 3
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 2
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Navigation 3
Acceleration Control 1
Acceleration Control 2
Acceleration Control 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
Navigation 4
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drones 5
Light Drone Operation 1
Light Drone Operation 2
Light Drone Operation 3
Light Drone Operation 4
Light Drone Operation 5
Gallente Drone Specialization 1
Gallente Drone Specialization 2
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Drone Avionics 3
Drone Durability 1
Drone Durability 2
Drone Durability 3
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Navigation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Light Missiles 5
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Rockets 5
Light Missile Specialization 1
Rocket Specialization 1
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Guided Missile Precision 1
Guided Missile Precision 2
Rapid Launch 1
Rapid Launch 2
Rapid Launch 3
Target Navigation Prediction 1
Target Navigation Prediction 2
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2
Caldari Destroyer 4
Gallente Destroyer 4
Weapon Upgrades 5
Thermodynamics 3
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Capacitor Emission Systems 2
Shield Operation 4
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
High Speed Maneuvering 3
Propulsion Jamming 3
Propulsion Jamming 4
Amarr Drone Specialization 1
Amarr Drone Specialization 2
Caldari Drone Specialization 1
Caldari Drone Specialization 2
Minmatar Drone Specialization 1
Minmatar Drone Specialization 2
Drone Avionics 4
Drone Navigation 4
Drone Sharpshooting 1
Drone Sharpshooting 2
Drone Sharpshooting 3
Guided Missile Precision 3
Missile Bombardment 4
Rapid Launch 4
Target Navigation Prediction 3
Warhead Upgrades 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Caldari Destroyer 5
Gallente Destroyer 5
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 4
Capacitor Management 4
Thermodynamics 4
Capacitor Emission Systems 3
Capacitor Emission Systems 4
Shield Rigging 4
Shield Management 5
Afterburner 4
Evasive Maneuvering 4
Fuel Conservation 1
Fuel Conservation 2
Fuel Conservation 3
Signature Analysis 4
Target Management 4
Drone Interfacing 4
Drone Navigation 5
Drone Avionics 5
Drone Sharpshooting 4
Amarr Drone Specialization 3
Gallente Drone Specialization 3
Caldari Drone Specialization 3
Minmatar Drone Specialization 3
Light Missile Specialization 2
Light Missile Specialization 3
Rocket Specialization 2
Rocket Specialization 3
Missile Projection 3
Missile Projection 4
Rapid Launch 5
Target Navigation Prediction 4
Warhead Upgrades 4

Allows the pilot to fly a Bantam with T2 remote shield boosts and emergency drone armor repair. This is the only logi skill plan for Alpha pilots and provides exposure to flying logi for Omega pilots before committing to a longer skill plan.

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Science 1
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
Power Grid Management 3
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Capacitor Management 4
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
Science 2
Shield Emission Systems 1
Shield Emission Systems 2
Shield Emission Systems 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drone Durability 1
Drones 5
Repair Drone Operation 1
Repair Drone Operation 2
Repair Systems 1
Repair Systems 2
Remote Armor Repair Systems 1
Remote Armor Repair Systems 2
Remote Armor Repair Systems 3

Allows the pilot to fly a T2 Kirin Logistics Frigate and improves the performance of the T1 Logi Bantam. This is the most efficient path to solid Logi performance. Omega required.

CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Caldari Frigate 5
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Long Range Targeting 4
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Signature Analysis 4
Signature Analysis 5
Logistics Frigates 1
Logistics Frigates 2
Logistics Frigates 3
Logistics Frigates 4
Science 1
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
Power Grid Management 3
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Capacitor Management 4
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 4
Capacitor Systems Operation 5
Navigation 1
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
Afterburner 4
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 2
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 4
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
Science 2
Shield Emission Systems 1
Shield Emission Systems 2
Shield Emission Systems 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Drones 4
Drone Durability 1
Drones 5
Repair Drone Operation 1
Repair Drone Operation 2
Repair Drone Operation 3
Repair Drone Operation 4
Repair Systems 1
Repair Systems 2
Remote Armor Repair Systems 1
Remote Armor Repair Systems 2
Remote Armor Repair Systems 3

Allows the pilot to fly a Stork T2 Command Destroyer with T2 Shield Command Bursts, as well as operate a Micro Jump Field Generator aka ‘Boosher’. Further training will improve the strength, duration and range of boosts. Omega required.

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Destroyer 1
Caldari Destroyer 2
Caldari Destroyer 3
Caldari Destroyer 4
Caldari Destroyer 5
Leadership 1
Leadership 2
Leadership 3
Leadership 4
Leadership 5
Command Burst Specialist 1
Command Burst Specialist 2
Command Burst Specialist 3
Command Burst Specialist 4
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Spaceship Command 4
Spaceship Command 5
Command Destroyers 1
Command Destroyers 2
Command Destroyers 3
Command Destroyers 4
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Science 1
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 3
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
High Speed Maneuvering 3
Navigation 4
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Micro Jump Drive Operation 1
Micro Jump Drive Operation 2
Micro Jump Drive Operation 3
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Shield Command 1
Shield Command 2
Shield Command 3
Shield Command 4
Shield Command 5
Shield Command Specialist 1
Shield Command Specialist 2
Shield Command Specialist 3
Shield Command Specialist 4
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Rockets 5
Rocket Specialization 1

Allows the pilot to infuriate opponents with EWAR tactics. Unlocks the ECM Griffin and TD Heron Navy Issue. Our best EWAR skill plan for Alphas, and a solid foundation for Omegas.

Spaceship Command 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Science 1
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Electronic Superiority Rigging 1
Electronic Superiority Rigging 2
Electronic Superiority Rigging 3
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Weapon Disruption 1
Weapon Disruption 2
Weapon Disruption 3
Weapon Disruption 4
Electronic Warfare 1
Electronic Warfare 2
Electronic Warfare 3
Electronic Warfare 4
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Light Missiles 5
Light Missile Specialization 1

Unlocks the ECM Kitsune and Dual ECM Griffin Navy Issue fits, as well as improving the performance of the TD Heron Navy Issue. The next step up for an Omega pilot specialising in EWAR.

Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Caldari Frigate 5
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Long Range Targeting 4
Long Range Targeting 5
Electronic Attack Ships 1
Electronic Attack Ships 2
Electronic Attack Ships 3
Electronic Attack Ships 4
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Science 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Jury Rigging 3
Electronic Superiority Rigging 1
Electronic Superiority Rigging 2
Electronic Superiority Rigging 3
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Electronic Warfare 1
Electronic Warfare 2
Electronic Warfare 3
Electronic Warfare 4
Weapon Disruption 1
Weapon Disruption 2
Weapon Disruption 3
Weapon Disruption 4
Weapon Destabilization 1
Weapon Destabilization 2
Weapon Destabilization 3
Weapon Destabilization 4
Long Distance Jamming 1
Long Distance Jamming 2
Long Distance Jamming 3
Frequency Modulation 1
Frequency Modulation 2
Frequency Modulation 3
Signal Dispersion 1
Signal Dispersion 2
Signal Dispersion 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Light Missiles 4
Light Missiles 5
Light Missile Specialization 1

With the use of a Flycatcher T2 destroyer, allows the pilot to launch interdiction probes, trapping ships within a large area of effect where warping is both prevented and terminated. Especially useful for controlling grids in lowsec Corruption 5 systems.

Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Spaceship Command 4
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Destroyer 1
Caldari Destroyer 2
Caldari Destroyer 3
Caldari Destroyer 4
Caldari Destroyer 5
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Science 5
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Propulsion Jamming 3
Propulsion Jamming 4
Propulsion Jamming 5
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Graviton Physics 1
Interdictors 1
Interdictors 2
Interdictors 3
Interdictors 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Thermodynamics 1
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Rockets 5
Rocket Specialization 1

Allows the pilot to fly an Interceptor, aligning instantly out of gate camps and passing harmlessly through bubbles. Scouts can check the way ahead is clear for the fleet, or rush to tackle a high priority target. Requires Omega.

Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Spaceship Command 4
Spaceship Command 5
Caldari Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Frigate 4
Caldari Frigate 5
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Evasive Maneuvering 4
Evasive Maneuvering 5
Interceptors 1
Interceptors 2
Interceptors 3
Interceptors 4
Interceptors 5
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Warp Drive Operation 4
Navigation 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
High Speed Maneuvering 3
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Science 1
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Rockets 1
Rockets 2
Rockets 3
Rockets 4
Rockets 5
Rocket Specialization 1

Eve Rookies Rabbit Rebellion

Although it isn’t compulsory to take part in our fleets, we recommend joining Eve Rookies Rabbit Rebellion on your Guristas character. This comes with the following perks:

  • Dedicated corporation just for Eve Rookies Guristas Insurgency
  • Auto-enlistment in Guristas Pirates (no trip out to nullsec required!)
  • Easy access to our doctrine fits and skill plans
  • Corp projects