Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

The Ultimate Destination for Public Fleets

Last Updated on 2024-03-30 by Kshal Aideron

Welcome to Eve Rookies, the thriving public community in the fascinating world of Eve Online. We run a variety of fleets that cater to players with diverse interests, including PVE fleets almost nightly and bi-weekly PVP fleets in null sec. Join us as we embark on exhilarating adventures, forge lasting friendships, and explore the boundless universe together.

At Eve Rookies, all fleets are completely free to attend, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to participate. We offer limited handouts for players in need for PVE activities. Our PVP fleets provide free T1 ships – just remember to insure them for free ISK when you blow up! Additionally, all fleets have ship replacement plans (SRP) available in some form, so you can confidently engage in exciting battles and mining expeditions without worrying about losing your hard-earned assets.

With Eve Rookies, you’ll experience a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and have fun.

Check out the Eve Rookies 2023 Fleet Statistics

Eve Rookies Public Fleets

The fleets found below are hosted by Eve Rookies and official partners! There’s a fleet for everyone here, so look through and pick your poison!

High Sec Incursion Fleets

Our Vanguard Incursion fleets are 13-pilot fleets designed to fight the Sansha invaders. Our incursion fleets offer a friendly and relaxed environment for earning ISK! On average we earn between 60 and 100+ million ISK an hour depending on the fleet type! More about Eve Rookies Incursions.

VG Fleet Types:

A Fleets are for pilots who have upgraded out of the Praxis and Hyperion into a T2 doctrine ship. A Fleet pilots have also flown enough training fleets that they know what targets they should be shooting without tags, when to recall drones and align without the FC prompting them! A Fleets typically earn 100+ million ISK an hour. Read more about A Fleets.

Mining Fleets

Embark on an extraordinary journey with our fearless deep space mining fleets! Get ready to explore the vast expanse of wormhole space, delving into the thrilling adventure of mining and ninja huffing gas. Brace yourself for heart-pounding encounters in war-torn low sec, the lawless null space, and the enigmatic Triglavian territory!

Are you up for the challenge? If you crave excitement, camaraderie, and the chance to unearth unimaginable treasures, then Deep Space Mining Fleets are calling your name! Learn more about this captivating opportunity here.

Ratting Fleets

Ratting fleets are defined as fleets that shoot NPCs, but there is no formal mission or objective. Ratting could be going out to kill rats that accumulate on gates in null sec, combat anomalies or so on! These fleets are only limited by the FC’s imagination!

Fleet TypeFleet Description
Wormhole RattingGo into a wormhole and hunt the rats that live there!
Triglavian HuntingJump into a ship and rid Caldari space of triangles!

Watch the PVE Fleet Pings channel in the Eve Rookies Discord for the most up to date fleet information!

Homefront Operations Fleets

We’re working on getting regular Homefronts going! However, some of our FCs will ping these from time to time in the PVE fleet pings channels!

Eve Online Event Fleets

From time to time Eve Online will hold an event that spawns special combat, mining or exploration sites for the event. FCs will often take adventurous pilots out to run these sites! It could be in the relative safety of High Sec or in less secure space for the thrill and better rewards! Watch the different fleet ping channels in Discord!

FUNny Newbros PVP Fleets

In partnership with NPSI group FUN Inc, Eve Rookies holds bi-weekly pvp fleets that are rookie pilot friendly! This makes it the perfect fleet to get started with!

There are free Destroyers available as well as SRP (ship replacement program) if you bring your own ship and it’s blown up! Read more about FUNny Newbros PVP Fleets.

Combat Mission Fleets

Combat mission fleets aren’t run on a regular basis. However, they are pinged a few times a year! It’s a great way to hang out with friends and shoot some rats!