Last Updated on 2021-12-08 by Kshal Aideron
If you don’t know Eve Rookies yet, we’re a group that takes the public out on incursion fleets in borrowed ships. Anyone who can get into our basic blaster or laser praxis will be given one (for a refundable deposit) for the duration of the fleet. This way pilots can experience incursions with out a big skill or isk investment!
Nearly every week we’ll get a pilot or two coming by asking, “why don’t you allow this ship?” or “why can’t I use this module instead of the one on the official fit?” So we want to explain why the Eve Rookies Incursion Doctrine is the way it is. The types of ships we use keeps the choice simple and the FC sane. The fits are tried, tested, and keep the fleet full of expensive ships safe.
Lets move on to our core ship and the reason it is the way it is.
Incursion Doctrine – The Praxis

The Praxis is a Society of Conscious Thought battleship that doesn’t require any battleship skills to fly. Because of the low amount of skills needed to fly the ship, alpha clones can easily join in Vanguard Incursion fun.
There’s 2 fit types found on our incursion doctrine, the blaster (up close) and sniper (ranged). Every skill outside of the guns can be used to fly other ships more efficiently. If the pilot decides incursions aren’t for them, they’ve really wasted nothing skilling into the fit.
The Eve Rookies Praxis Fit Explained
EVE Rookies Incursion Doctrine Ship fits follow some very simple rules:
1: Minimum resists (for the praxis at minimum skill level) is 60% resistances on any of the 4 damage types.
2: Modules can be meta if needed, although T2 for the majority (except guns) is advised.
3: Guns should be either short range high tracking (blasters) or long range, low tracking (beam lasers) to allow for progression training to Vindicator and Nightmare.
Sniper Praxis Fit (Long Range)
[Praxis, Praxis]
Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Sensor Booster II
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Large Remote Shield Booster II
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
Large Energy Collision Accelerator II
Large Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I
Large Explosive Shield Reinforcer I
Imperial Navy Acolyte x10
Medium Armor Maintenance Bot I x5
Imperial Navy Multifrequency L x18
Scan Resolution Script x1
About the Sniper Praxis
Now that you’ve seen the fit above, it’s time to go over the fit. The rule of thumb for incursion fits is the group’s doctrine is the base fit. You can always upgrade, but never try to downgrade.

Damage Control II: the damage control module assures a basic resistance bonus to armor and hull giving the ship a little buffer if “shit hits the fan.”
Capacitor Power Relay II: the Praxis isn’t great with it’s cap so this module gives a boost to your cap recharge rate.
Tracking Enhancer II: the lasers you use are really bad at tracking (the ability to follow a target). If the tracking is too low, you’ll start missing regularly and this is actually more harmful to the fleet than simply having low DPS.
Heat Sink II: the heat sink module increases the rate of fire on the lasers, increasing your DPS.
Sensor Booster II: battleships are slow at locking targets so we’ve given the Praxis a sensor booster. When you add a scan resolution script, you can lock targets much faster. At the lowest skill level, you can lock a frigate in 7.9 seconds instead of 9.7 which is a huge boost to the fleet. The higher your skill level, the more effective (6.7 at max skill). Alphas can use a faction sensor booster instead of a T2 due to skill limitations.
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery: like with the Capacitor Power Relay module, the cap battery helps the Praxis with it’s capacitor. While this module isn’t cheap, it adds 11 minutes to your capacitor at max skills.
Republic Fleet Target Painter: this module is aimed at a target making the target “bigger” and thus easier to hit. This helps everyone in the fleet in applying their guns to a target and even helps drones hit easier.
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II: this module makes the resists of your ship better. Resists mean that a hit with damage of that type is reduced by your resist percentage before applying damage to your shield. Without these 2 modules, the Praxis would end up being a wreck in space.
Large Shield Extender II: unfortunately the Multispectrum Shield Hardner isn’t enough. So the Large Shield Extender adds raw hit points to the shield of the Praxis. Paired with the Shield Hardners, the HP are worth 1.6 times what the Large Shield Extender II states. If you would only have the shield hardners, you’d have a rough time surviving but it’s possible. However, you can’t have the shield extender without the hardners.
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier: when a pilot buys their own praxis, they see the isk price and decide to go with something cheaper. We’re here to tell you to stop doing that. This module helps you slow down close by targets and make them easier to hit. Webbing is actually more important than shooting, so ALWAYS web first then shoot. With boosts, this module can get 17km at range (more if more boosts or implants are applied). This module is worth the cost.
Large Remote Shield Booster II: if all is going well, you should never have to turn this module on. However, if the FC calls for battle reps, then you lock up the target that is currently being hit and you turn on the module to apply reps. For low skilled or alphas, we do allow the T1 or meta modules as well. When it’s needed, something is better than nothing at all.
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I: we chose these specific meta version guns for several reasons.
- They have the highest optimal range of all meta guns of this type. This increases the maximum range at which you can hit which isn’t unimportant.
- They have the lowest CPU use of all the meta guns of the type making it the ultimate choice for someone with very low skills.
- These beam lasers have a good range with multi-frequency ammo. This means you can hit up to 61km with almost no skill. Of course the better the skill the higher the range.
Blaster Praxis Fit (Short Range)
[Praxis, ER Praxis blaster shield]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Sensor Booster II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Tracking Computer II
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Large Remote Shield Booster II
Large Core Defense Field Extender I
Large Core Defense Field Extender I
Large Hybrid Burst Aerator II
Imperial Navy Acolyte x10
Medium Armor Maintenance Bot I x5
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L x10000
Scan Resolution Script x1
Optimal Range Script x1
Tracking Speed Script x1
About the Blaster Praxis
If you look at the fit above, you will see that the two Praxis fits are almost the same. There are a few differences we’re going to talk about with the blaster incursion doctrine fit.

Drone Damage Amplifier II: because the blaster praxis has a much lower cap usage than the laser praxis, there is no need for the capacitor power relay module. So we ditched that module and added the drone damage amplifier since a 4th damage module for the guns will not add any real bonus.
Tracking Computer II: Again because of the lower cap consumption. We replaced the Cap Battery with this module. This benefits the Praxis greatly since this version needs to hit fast targets at close range. More tracking will ensure you can hit them. Equip this module with the Tracking speed script for best effect.
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I: this is your gun and we chose this specific meta version for several reasons.
- It has the highest optimal range of all meta guns of this type, increasing the maximum range at which you can hit.
- It has the lowest CPU use of all the meta guns of this type, making it the ultimate choice to have someone with very low skills fly it.
- Blasters have a low optimal range and a high falloff. Within that falloff your DPS will slowly drop to 50% at max range. To counter this low range and falloff effect the blasters have a much better tracking then the beam lasers (4.8 to 9.2 at lowest skill), this means that the blasters can track twice as well as the lasers. Higher skills will increase that gap.
Now, someone that has paid really close attention will notice the rigs aren’t the same between the two ships. At the time we made the fits, we weren’t sure what would be the better choice. Honestly, we’re still not 100% sure.
The choices are in combination with the used modules on your mid slots so changing them would mean that you have to change those modules. This would bring on either capacitor issues or fitting issues in general. At some point we might go through the effort of retesting/recalibrating the fits but for the time being, these fits have kept everyone alive and making isk!
Now you know why we have the blaster and sniper Praxis the way it is on the Eve Rookies Incursion Doctrine. As for the rest of the ships, they follow the headquarter incursion group Warp to Me (WTM). This way you can get the most out of your isk and skill investment!