Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Last Updated on 2024-02-08 by Kshal Aideron

The Industrialist – Entrepreneur career agent story arc will send you through 10 missions of hauling, mining, salvaging, hacking and manufacturing. This really is a jack of all trades, master of none type of situation. However, it’s not a waste of time! You’ll not only earn ISK, but you’ll snag yourself a Venture, several Miner I lasers and even a hauling ship!

Entrepreneur Career Mission Overview

Each career agent hands out 10 missions in their particular arc. This is an overview of the missions and what you get.

Potential ISK earned for the Entrepreneur Career Mission Arc: 2.6 million isk

Note: when you earn ISK, your starter corporation will take taxes from your earnings. So if You don’t receive the exact amount that the reward states, this is why.

Balancing the Books 1

This is a simple delivery mission in the next system over. Make sure to add the Data Sheets to your ship cargo hold and go play delivery agent!

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
238,000 – 284,000
239,000 – 285,000
N/AN/AMove Data Sheets to another stationDon’t forget to put it in your ship hanger before undocking.

Can do this in a corvette or your frigate from one of the other missions.

Balancing the Books 2

Before you undock, make sure you fit the civilian salvager to your ship! Any ship that has guns and/or drones and an after burner or mwd will work. You will need to kill a rat.

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
193,000 – 215,000
VentureCivilian SalvagerSalvage a wreckLock wreck and turn on the salvaging module. It may take a few cycles to work. The black box will automatically be put in your ship hanger.

Balancing the Books 3

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
192,000 – 248,000
Reprocessing SkillbookCivilian minerReprocess veldspar to 333 tritanium (minersals)Warp out to the belt to mine enough Veldspar to be able to reprocess it to 333 Tritanium. Have a gun fitted on your ship or drones to kill the weak rats that will spawn.

The rat MUST be killed to finish the mission.

Balancing the Books 4

For this mission, you will need to go out to a data site to get an Encoded Data Chip. You’ll need to hack a data can as well as shoot a rat. So make certain your ship is fit with a data analyzer and something to kill the rat!
Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 215,000 – 248,000
210,000 – 259,000
N/ACivilian data analyzerHack structure with the Data AnalyzerThere will be some rats guarding the structure. Kill them.

Lock up the can and use the data analyzer to ‘hack’ it.

Note: don’t forget to fit the Data Analyzer to a mid slot BEFORE undocking!

Balancing the Books 5

Balancing the Books 5 is a simple delivery mission. Make sure you put the Encoded Data Chip into your cargo hold before you undock.

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
Bonus: 200,000 – 276,000
Expanded cargohold IInertial Stabilizers IMove Encoded Data ChipDon’t forget to put the chip in your ship hanger before undocking.

Can do this in a corvette, frigate, or destroyer.

Note: Simple delivery mission. DO NOT leave w/o the cargo, which is in your item hanger!

Balancing the Books 6

In this mission, you will need to purchase a Civilian Armor Repairer off the market. Aura will help guide you in navigating the market. If you’d like to know more about buying or selling on the market, you can read more here.

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
Bonus: 213,000 – 260,000
Nanofiber InternalBroker Relations SkillbookAcquire Tracking Computer IYou can acquire this tracking computer any way you like. Buy the blueprint and create it or simply purchase it from the market.

Buying it from the market is the fastest and easiest.

Balancing the Books 7

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
Bonus: 195,000 – 261,000
1MN AfterburnerCivilian relic analyzerHack structure with relic analyzerJust like in Balancing the Books 4, you’ll kill some weak rats then hack a relic can.

Make sure you equip the civilian relic analyzer BEFORE undocking.

Balancing the Books 8

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
Bonus: 61,000 – 66,000
Limited social adaptation chipN/AMove Central Data Core to another stationSimple hauling mission. Make sure you put the Central Data Core into your ship’s cargo hold.

Balancing the Books 9

In Balancing the Books 6 you learned how to buy something off the market. Now put those skills to use and buy those after burners without Aura’s help!

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
76,000 – 110,000
Advanced Industry BookExpanded cargo hold IAcquire two 1MN Afterburner IYou need to have two 1MN Afterburner I in your cargo hold. You can buy what you need off the market if you remember your lesson from Balancing the Books 6.

Balancing the Books 10

Isk EarnedNon Isk RewardsItems GrantedMission ObjectivesNotes
Reward: 0
248,000 – 259,000
Fast industrial ship of your faction.

Amarr – Sigil
Caldari – Badger
Gallente – Nereus
Minmatar – Wreathe
BPC for weaponManufacture weaponYou CAN purchase this from the market to finish the story arc.

By Kshal Aideron

Eve main: Kshal Aideron Corp: FUN Inc NPSI community FC and newbro queen

One thought on “Industrialist – Entrepreneur Career Agent Missions”
  1. […] Business Career Agent: These missions will acquaint you with hauling (i.e. distribution), salvaging, some mining and reprocessing. This also crosses slightly with Exploration since there’s some hacking needing to be done. Read more about the Business Career Missions here […]

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