Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

If you’ve decided to follow the Council of Steller Management election, CCP announced the CSM 17 Candidates on stream earlier this week. Of course, if you’ve been watching the CSM Campaign sections of the Eve Online Forum, you probably knew who most of us were before the announcement.

If you’re new to Eve and this is the first time you’re hearing about the CSM elections, check this thread.

How Many Candidates are Running for CSM17?

For the 2022 round of elections, there are 45 players that are running. Each player has been verified and officially announced by CCP.

Who are the CSM17 Candidates

The following are the CSM 17 candidates listed by name, corporation, alliance. Their Zkill Board and official candidate thread have also been linked in the chart below.

CandidateCorporationAllianceZkill Candidate Thread
AgondrayAvenger MercenariesVOID Intergalatic ForcesClick hereClick here
AlaskerF1 MonkeyEsports PetopiaClick hereClick here
AliventiSouthern Cross Silver ShieldsFlying DangerousClick hereClick here
Angry MustacheKarmaFleetGoonswarm FederationClick hereClick here
Arsia ElkinSoE RoughridersElectus MatariClick hereClick here
Baldin TarmainB T CI’m Feeling GoodClick hereClick here
Benjamin RushingExcelsior LeagueSorry in AdvanceClick hereClick here
Brisc RubalSTK ScientificThe InitiativeClick hereClick here
Cael CaderuNobody in LocalOf Sound MindClick hereClick here
Drake IddonCastleKickersClick hereClick here
DutchgunnerCircle of AbyssArataka Research ConsortiumClick hereClick here
Furnok DornGoonWaffleGoonswarm FederationClick hereClick here
Gideon ZendikarD-syncClick hereClick here
Hy Wanto DestroyerLowlifeSnuffed OutClick hereClick here
Hyprviper1KarmaFleetGoonswarm FederationClick hereClick here
Ithica HawkVOLTAWE FORM VOLTAClick hereClick here
Jinx De’CaireBrave Newbies IncBrave CollectiveClick hereClick here
Kael EagleseyeBlack Omega SecurityPandemic HordeClick hereClick here
Kane CarnifexDutyWE FORM VOLTAClick hereClick here
KazanirGoonWaffleGoonswarm FederationClick hereClick here
KeacteFUN IncThe AncientsClick hereClick here
Kenneth FeldHabitual EuthanasiaPandemic LegionClick hereClick here
KismeteerBat CountryPandemic HordeClick hereClick here
Kshal AideronFUN IncThe AncientsClick hereClick here
Luke AnninanInto OblivionFraternityClick hereClick here
Mark ResurrectusHoley Roamin’ EmpireTURBOFEED OR GLORYClick hereClick here
Mifune SwordgodAscendanceGoonswarm FederationClick hereClick here
MoceAudentis Fortuna iuvatWarriors of SolClick hereClick here
Nala QueenScorp EnterprisesSynergy of SteelClick hereClick here
PandoralicaDEFCONThe InitiativeClick hereClick here
PhantomiteLowlifeSnuffed OutClick hereClick here
Redline XIIIOriginal SinnersPandemic LegionClick hereClick here
Sarin BlackfistKarmaFleetGoonswarm FederationClick hereClick here
Scott RentonWhispers in the VoidPewgilismClick hereClick here
Scrapyard AttendantMY RAVEN WAS EQUIPPED WITH THE FOLLOWINGScumlordsClick hereClick here
Shui Jing JingCaput DraconisClick hereClick here
Steve RonukenFuzzwork EnterprisesVote Steve for CSMClick hereClick here
Stitch KanelandThe TuskersThe Tuskers Co.Click hereClick here
Storm DelayHorde VanguardPandemic HordeClick hereClick here
StyxxDark ShadoD.A.R.K.Click hereClick here
ThesuprememagusThunderStrike CorpPewgilismClick hereClick here
Torvald UruzAbyssal LurkersClick hereClick here
Trottel ElfBBC HoldingsSnuffed OutClick hereClick here
White OrchidV0LTAWE FORM VOLTAClick hereClick here
Winzentowitsch MadevedaA Fools KingdomTURBOFEED OR GLORYClick hereClick here

What are the Candidates Representing?

So, we were given these cool little score cards that look something like this. Of course, we knew that they were doing them ahead of time because we actually had to give 4 areas of expertise and a little blurb.

I managed to turn in my expertise, but I totally missed giving the blurb. So what you see on there, CCP came up with. I’m not angry. is right there for everyone to see! On stream! Over 1,000 eyeballs on this site address!

The following is a list of all the expertise and the candidates that fall into those expertise. Please note that there were some that were merged into one area such as industry, market, and trade. The meme areas of expertise were not listed for obvious reasons.

Note: Most, if not all of the candidates can fall into more categories than listed. For example, I’m a FC in the NPSI community. I’m also the CEO of Eve Rookies. However, for simplicity sake I’m going with what is seen on the cards CCP has provided of the candidates.

Area of ExpertiseCandidates Representing
3rd Party Tools Angry Mustache
Steve Ronuken
Storm Delay
Abyssals Torvald Uruz
Alliance Leadership & Mgt. Benjamin Rushing
Hy Wanto Destroyer
Luke Anninan
Capital Warfare Storm Delay
Trottel Elf
Community Dev. and Relationships Benjamin Rushing
Brisc Rubal
Drake Iddon
Kael Eagleseye
Kshal Aideron
Luke Anninan
Nala Queen
Torvald Uruz
Content Creator/Creation Brisc Rubal
Kshal Aideron
Corp Leadership and Mgt. Mrk Resurrectus
Exploration Scott Renton
Shui Jing Jing
Faction Warfare Arsia Elkin
Cael Caderu
Stitch Kaneland
Torvald Uruz
Fleet Command Hy Wanto Destroyer
Kael Eagleseye
Luke Anninan
Mark Resurrectus
Mifune Swordgod
Storm Delay
High Sec Dutchgunner
Kshal Aideron
Steve Ronuken
Logi Benjamin Rushing
Lore/Roleplay Arsia Elkin
Low Sec Baldin Tarmain
Hy Wanto Destroyer
Stitch Kaneland
Trottel Elf
Market and Industry A gondray
Angry Mustache
Baldin Tarmain
Jinx De’Caire
Kenneth Feld
Scott Renton
Shui Jing Jing
Steve Ronuken
Microtransactions Agondray
Mid-Gang PVP Keacte
Trottel Elf
White Orchid
Mining Agondray
Missions Shui Jing Jing
Steve Ronuken
New Player Experience Arsia Elkin
Cael Caderu
Jinx De’Caire
Kshal Aideron
New Player PVP Aliventi
NPSI PVP Gideon Zendikar
Null Sec Alasker
Benjamin Rushing
Brisc Rubal
Cael Caderu
Gideon Zendikar
Hy Wanto Destroyer
Jinx De’Caire
Kael Eagleseye
Kenneth Feld
Luke Anninan
Mifune Swordgod
Nala Queen
Scrapyard Attendant
Storm Delay
Pochven Drake Iddon
PVE Hyprviper1
Kane Carnifex
PVP Alasker
Brisc Rubal
Scott Renton
Ship and Game Balance Agondray
Trottel Elf
White Orchid
Small Gang PVP Aliventi
Arsia Elkin
Cael Caderu
Gideon Zendikar
Scrapyard Attendant
Stitch Kaneland
Solo PVP Aliventi
Arsia Elkin
Cael Caderu
Gideon Zendikar
Scrapyard Attendant
Stitch Kaneland
Thera Gideon Zendikar
Tournament Play Alasker
Ithica Hawk
Kane Carnifex
White Orchid
Wormhole Alasker
Ithica Hawk
Mark Resurrectus

By Kshal Aideron

Eve main: Kshal Aideron Corp: FUN Inc NPSI community FC and newbro queen

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