Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Last Updated on 2023-09-03 by Kshal Aideron

Skill books

Did you know that you can get FREE Eve Online skill books while you’re training a new character?

With a brand new character you can get these free skill books through log in rewards, career agent missions or the AIR Career program. If you use all of the free books, you’ll save over 2.5 million isk on injecting skills.

Free Eve Online Skill Books via Login Rewards

In the chart below, you will find the skill books that you will receive as part of your login rewards as a new player (or a new account).

Buy and Inject PriceSkill BookWhere to Get FREE Eve Online Skill BooksWhat the Skill Does
48,750BiologyDay 2 log in reward.The science of life and living organisms, and how chemicals affect them. 20% bonus to attribute booster duration per skill level. (Alpha level 3 max)

DestroyerDay 9 log in rewardGet the skill book that allows you to inject your faction’s destroyer skill instead of buying it.

Skill Books Earned via the Career Missions

The following skill books are found during the career missions. Once you receive the book, you can inject it and start training it!

Buy and Inject PriceSkill BookWhere to Get FREE Eve Online Skill BooksWhat the Skill Does
97,500ReprocessingIndustrialist – Balancing the Books 3Skill at using reprocessing facilities to break ores and ice down into refined products. 3% bonus to ore and ice reprocessing yield per skill level. (Alpha level 3 max)
162,500Broker RelationsIndustrialist – Entrepreneur Balancing the Books 6
AIR Career Program – Industrialist Market – earn 250,000 isk on the Market
Each level of the skill subtracts a flat 0.3% from the costs associated with setting up a market order in a non-player station. (Alpha level 2 max)
260,000Mass ProductionIndustrialist – Balancing the Books 9Allows the operation of multiple factories. 1 additional manufacturing job per skill level. (Alpha level 3 max)
188,500Remote Armor Repair SystemsSoldier of Fortune – The Swap 4Operation of remote armor repair systems. 5% reduced capacitor need for remote armor repair system modules per skill level. (Alpha level 3 max)

Skill Books Earned During the Air Career Program

Finally we have the skill books earned during the AIR Career Program. You can look at the different areas that you receive the free Eve Online skill books below and work on that particular area until you earn it!

Buy and Inject PriceSkill BookWhere to Get FREE Eve Online Skill BooksWhat the Skill Does
39,000SocialAIR Career Program – Enforcer Activities – Increase standings with a corporation to 0.1Skill at social interaction. 5% bonus per level to NPC agent, corporation and faction standing increase (Alpha level 3 max)
117,000NegotiationAIR Career Program – Enforcer Activities – Complete 1 level 1 security agent missionSkill at agent negotiation. 5% additional pay per skill level for agent missions. (Alpha level 2 max)
299,000ConnectionsAIR Career Program – Enforcer Activities – Increase standings with a corporation to .5Skill at interacting with friendly NPCs. 4% modifier to effective standing from friendly NPC Corporations and Factions per level. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Criminal Connections. (Alpha level 2 max)
299,000DiplomacyAIR Career Program – Enforcer Activities – Complete 10 level 1 security agent missionsSkill at interacting with hostile Agents in order to de-escalate tense situations as demonstrated by some of the finest diplomats in New Eden. 4% modifier per level to effective standing towards hostile Agents. Not cumulative with Connections or Criminal Connections. (Alpha level 3 max)
299,000Criminal ConnectionsAIR Career Program – Enforcer Activities – Complete 20 level 1 security agent missionsSkill at interacting with friendly criminal NPCs. 4% modifier per level to effective standing towards NPCs with low Concord standings. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Connections. (Alpha level 2 max)
65,0000Acceleration ControlAIR Career Program – Enforcer Combat Activities – Destroy 100 enemy shipsSkill at efficiently using Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives. 5% bonus to AB and MWD speed boost per skill level. (Alpha level 3 max)
130,000Target PaintingAIR Career Program – Soldier of Fortune Electronic Warfare – Webify 5 capsuleer shipsSkill at using target painters. 5% less capacitor need for target painters per skill level. (Alpha level 3 max)
130,000Weapon DisruptionAIR Career Program – Soldier of Fortune Electronic Warfare – Target paint 5 capsuleer shipsSkill at using remote weapon disruptors. 5% less capacitor needed for weapon disruptors per skill level. (Alpha level 4 max)
97,500Jury RiggingAIR Career Program – Industrialist Salvage – salvage 50 wrecksGeneral understanding of the inner workings of starship components. Allows makeshift modifications to ship systems through the use of rigs. Required for further study of the field of rigging. (Alpha level 3 max)
71,500Shield OperationAIR Career Program – Industrialist Distribution – complete 10 Distribution Agent missionsSkill at operating a spaceship’s shield systems, including the use of shield boosters and other basic modules. 5% reduction in shield recharge time per skill level.
65,000FrigateAIR Career Program – Enforcer – Earn 500,000 isk in bountiesYou will receive the skill book to inject a different faction’s frigate skill.

By Kshal Aideron

Eve main: Kshal Aideron Corp: FUN Inc NPSI community FC and newbro queen

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