Last Updated on 2024-05-09 by Kshal Aideron
It’s December and time for the 1st annual Eve Rookies Secret Sansha! This is where Mz SanshaClaws will decide who gets to play Secret Sansha to those whom decide to play along!
What is a Secret Sansha?

In the non Eve Online world, this is where everyone puts their name in a hat and draws who they get to play Santa and give a gift to. There’s typically a monetary amount that everyone is requested to stick to.
Since Eve Online is a MMO and potential Secret Sanshas are living all around the world, Eve Rookies is taking this idea and doing it just a little differently. Instead of drawing a name, Mz SanshaClaws will go through all the entries and pair everyone with their Secret Sansha.
How Do I Enter the Secret Sansha?
Entering the Secret Sansha is easy! Here are the directions:
- Enter the Secret Sansha by filling out the form and sending 25m to Mz SanshaClaws
- Get matched with a pilot that you will play Secret Sansha to
- Purchase the items for your pilot and contract them to Mz SanshaClaws
- Wait for Mz SanshaClaws to deliver your Secret Santa gift!
Secret Sansha Deadlines
- Enter the Secret Sansha between now and 19:00 Eve on December 14th
- Get your pilot’s name by end of day (23:59 Eve) December 16th
- Purchase your gift and contract them to Mz SanshaClaws by 23:59 Eve on December 20th
- Get your Secret Sansha gift by end of day (23:59 Eve) December 24th
Step 1: Put Mz SanshaClaws Name Under the Private Availability
You will be able to check to make sure you spelled the name right in the last step.

Step 2: Choose the Items You’re Gifting
In this part, if there’s more than 1 item, you can check them all. The items contracted don’t have to be in Jita, but they DO need to be in High Sec. Keep in mind Mz SanshaClaws will not be going and picking the stuff up, it will be re-contracted to your pilot.

Step 3: Choose Your Contract Options
In step 3, please put down that you will receive 25,000,000. This will return the 25 million ISK deposit that you put down to participate in the 2023 Secret Sansha.
Please make sure to set the expiration for 1 week.
Mz SanshaClaws intends to accept contracts quickly, but she must complete some paperwork to keep everything orderly. This ensures that the Fedo you intended to give your pilot doesn’t get misplaced.
Last, and most important, please leave the name of the pilot the gift is intended for in the description! Don’t get put on Mz SanshaClaw’s naughty list by making her do more work than is necessary!

Step 4: Double Check the Information and Finish
Finally, you can check to make sure all of the information in the contract is correct.

If you click on Mz SanshaClaws you should see the following image. She is also a member of the Eve Rookies corporation.

Secret Sansha FAQs
Here are some FAQs regarding the Secret Sansha:
Q. How do I enter the Secret Sansha?
A. Go to the Secret Sansha Form and fill it out. Then send 25 million ISK to Mz SanshaClaws in game.
Q. Why do I have to pay 25 million ISK to join the Secret Santa?
A. The 25 million ISK refundable deposit ensures that all participants commit to sending a gift. If you contract the gift(s) to Mz SanshaClaws before the December 20th deadline, you will receive the ISK back.
If you don’t fulfill a contract for some reason, Mz SanshaClaws will use the ISK to buy a gift for the pilot you were supposed to match with.
Q. Why does Mz SanshaClaws want to know how much I’m willing to spend?
A. Eve Rookies is about inclusion. Since we have a lot of new pilots who may not be as wealthy, but want to participate in the Secret Sansha, Mz SanshaClaws wants to try to match pilots who have the same spending power.
Q. This is just a scam.
A. It very well could be, but it’s not. Eve Rookies has been a community since March 2021 and we have run hundreds of incursion fleets where pilots have to pay a 250m refundable deposit to borrow a Praxis. When they hand the ship back in, they get their ISK back. To date there hasn’t been one complaint about ISK not being returned.