Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Last Updated on 2022-05-03 by Kshal Aideron

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Gate is GREEN people! Jump, jump, jump! That’s right, CCP has announced that the Eve Fanfest 2022 will be happening! Exciting! Eve Rookies will be attending to represent the the new players of New Eden!

Eve Fanfest 2022 Dates

The official dates will be May 6-7, 2022. However, there will be unofficial events put on by different groups, corporations and alliances on the 5th of May.

YouTube player

What You Expect at Fanfest 2022?

From what I’ve heard of past fanfests, they’re going to pack A LOT into 2 days. There’s of course going to be presentations, hangouts with devs and parties. However, here’s other offerings that will be going on during the 2 day festival!

  • Tournaments
  • Golden Circle Tour with the Devs (probably will cost extra?)
  • Pub crawl
  • Charity dinner with CEO and Devs
  • Silent Auction
  • Games

There will probably be more announced between now and May 6th, so keep an eye on the news!

What if You Don’t Know Anyone?

If you really want to come to Iceland to experience fanfest with a bunch of nerds, but don’t know anyone, you can always look for Eve Rookie leadership to hang out with! Just like in game, we’re happy to offer companionship and a group to hang out in. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do in Eve! So don’t let not knowing anyone stop you!

The best ship in Eve is the friendship and this is the type of place those ships dock up!

What Does the 2022 Festival Cost?

Unfortunately, this isn’t a cheap convention. If you buy your tickets right now, you can pick them up for $150. However, if you wait until the last minute, you’re going to be paying a hefty $295. So if you want to go, don’t wait too long to pick up your ticket!

Eve Fanfest 2022 Super Early Bird Offer ($150 – available NOW)

  • Exclusive pioneer festival badge and lanyard
  • Special Eve Online digital gift item
  • Limited edition Fanfest pin badges (all 4)
  • Eve Fanfest festival pass
  • Party at the Top of the World ticket
  • Fanfes tshirt & in-game content

Eve Fanfest 2022 Early Bird Special ($195)

  • Eve Fanfest festival pass
  • Party at the Top of the World ticket
  • Fanfest tshirt & in-game content
  • Limited edition Fanfest pin badges (3/4)

Eve Fanfest 2022 Early Bird ($220)

  • Eve Fanfest festival pass
  • Party at the Top of the World ticket
  • Fanfest tshirt & in-game content
  • Limited edition Fanfest pin badges (2/4)

Eve Fanfest 2022 Full Price ($295)

  • Eve Fanfest festival pass
  • Party at the Top of the World ticket
  • Fanfest tshirt & in-game content
  • Limited edition Fanfest pin badges (3/4)

What About Covid Rules?

Look, it’s 7 months between this moment and May 6th. Who knows what’s going to happen between now and then. I do know that if things get locked down again (more time to play Eve! joking, joking) CCP will refund your tickets.

But, because CCP is deciding to do the smart thing, they’re going to follow Iceland’s official rules and everyone will need to have proof of vaccination. There is a possibility we may need to test before entering the Arena as well. I guess we’ll have to see where the filament drops us when it gets closer to XUP time.

More Information to Come!

Keep your eye on the official Eve Online Fanfest Page for more information!

By Kshal Aideron

Eve main: Kshal Aideron Corp: FUN Inc NPSI community FC and newbro queen

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