Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Last Updated on 2022-03-23 by Kshal Aideron

There are some incursion FC’s who have their tagging set up so that it doesn’t always start with 1 or A. Their tagging can go up to 9 then start back at 1, and letters go up to I and then start back at A.

To help those that have a hard time getting their heads around tagging, Eve Rookies Incursions made this little video to help out. Sorry if it gets stuck in anyone’s head!

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Below, you can find the tagging guide per site. Remember that not every group will tag Vanguards exactly the same, this is just how Eve Rookies Incursions does it!

Nation Mining Colony Tagging

Wave 1:

  • Everyone – Mara Paleo (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Schmaeel primary then free fire on Eysturs
  • Snipers (letters) – Romi primary

Once blasters are done with their tags, they can web up and blast anything within their range. Webbing Romi’s that might come close to a blaster would help loads!

Wave 2:

  • Everyone – Niarja Myelen (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama then free fire on Eysturs
  • Snipers (letters) – Romi

And of course blasters can help with the Romi’s when the Tama go down!

Wave 3:

  • Everyone – Niarja (blasters help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama then free fire on what’s left
  • Snipers (letters) – Auga then Romi

Everyone can pull drones when the last rat is going into armor.

Nation Commander Outpost Tagging

Wave 1:

  • Everyone – Niarja (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama primary then free fire on Eystur
  • Snipers (letters) – Romi primary

Once blasters are done with their tags, they can web up and blast anything within their range. Webbing Romi’s that might come close to a blaster would help loads!

Wave 2:

  • Everyone – Niarja Myelen (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama primary, then Schmaeel, Renyn, finally Eysturs
  • Snipers (letters) – Auga

And of course blasters can help with the Romi’s if everything else is off grid.

Wave 3:

  • Everyone – Sansha’s Nation Commander (blasters help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama then free fire on Eysturs
  • Snipers (letters) – Auga

Wave 4:

  • Everyone – Niarja Myelen (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama, Schmaeel, Renyn, Eystur
  • Snipers – if you have your velocity column on, lock up and hit what’s webbed and slow

Everyone can pull drones when the last 1 or 2 Eysturs.

Override Transfer Array Tagging

Wave 1:

  • Everyone – Niarja (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama
  • Snipers (letters) – Auga primary then Deltole

The Eystur’s will get the X tag, do not shoot (but do drop drones after 5 show up!).

Blasters web the stuffing out of the Auga and Deltole if they come close!

Wave 2:

  • Everyone – Niarja Myelen (blasters can help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama
  • Snipers (letters) – Auga primary then Deltole

And of course blasters can help with the Auga and Deltole after the Tama! WEBS!!!

Wave 3:

  • Everyone – Niarja (blasters help by painting)
  • Blasters (numbers) – Tama
  • Snipers (letters)- Auga then Deltole

Blasters! After the Tama web, web, web the Auga and Deltole!

Everyone can pull drones when the last rat is going into armor.

By Kshal Aideron

Eve main: Kshal Aideron Corp: FUN Inc NPSI community FC and newbro queen

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